Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#196 Winner and Top 3

Thank you to all of our participants in this challenge.
 Each of the projects were so creative and the DT had a difficult time choosing a winner.

It's so much fun to announce the winner of our Valentine/Love Sentiment challenge on Valentines Day!

The winner of the challenge and recipient of the prize from the sponsor is...

#23 Caroline's Creaties
Comments from the DT: Gorgeous valentine card with romantic touch and lovely soft colors and design

Congrats! Please read the following directions.  
You have 2 weeks to complete Both steps to claim your prize
1. Leave a comment on this post so we know you have read it.
2. email me with winner of Challenge #196 in the subject line so I can send you details on how to claim your prize

Top 3 (in no particular order)

#134 Crealinetje
Comments from DT:  an unusual design that works perfectly for the love theme - great layering and lovely die-cuts too

#27 Created Just 4 You
Comments from DT: A lovely pretty card, Nice and simple

#143 Marlene
Comments from DT: this card is so full of wonderful detail

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for our next challenge.


Caroline said...

Wow, what an honour to choose my card as a winner.
I will send you an email.
Love Caroline

Vicki said...

Congrats to all of the winners!!

Crealientje said...

Thank you!
I am honored that my card is top3.
Congrats to the others!
Have a nice weekend!
Hugs Crealientje.

Caroline said...

I've send already an email (15-2)but I haven't heard anything yet.

Anonymous said...

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