Thank you for joining us in challenge #154 Animals + a Sentiment
We had so much fun looking at all of your creations. So many fun projects and cute animals!
Thank you also to our sponsor, Imagine That by Kris
The winner of the challenge is...
#109 Life Of a BZscrapper (Lisa)
Comments by DT: Excellent Detail and colorful fish tank scenery. Very creative...note cat looking through fish tank.

Congrats! Please read the following directions. You have 2 weeks to complete Both steps to claim your prize
1. Leave a comment on this post so we know you have read it.
2. You have 2 weeks to email me with winner of Challenge #154 in the subject line
so I can send you information on how to claim your prize.
Top 5 (in no particular order)
#57 The Craft Bucket
Comments by DT: Love the CAS look with the colorful birds. Darling card!

#2 Aunty Sue
Comments by DT: Lovey colours. Love this cheeky monkey

# 114 Sue Kment
Comments by DT: a brilliant idea love the image great box
#27 Barbara Bruder
Comments by DT: not only is this a beautiful card that epitomizes nature, but the sentiment is fabulous and a wonderful reminder.

#22 Maikreations
Comments by DT: Lovely CAS design. The colors just pop!

Don't forget to check back in a few hours for our next challenge.
Hint: It's everyone's favorite theme!
Wow!! thanks so much! I loved making this one. Literally giggled while I was working! Thank you!
I did email you a while ago and re-sent it yesterday... just wanted to be sure you got it or it didn't go into your spam... thanks!
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