Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#146 Winner and Top 5

Thank you to all of our participants for helping us kick off our 2016 challenges.

Thank you also so our amazing sponsor, Imagine That by Kris


The winner of the challenge and recipient of the prize from the sponsor is...

#5 Cards by America
Comments from the DT: Wow, this is pure elegance, love the use of the dies and the tutorial. Beautifully crafted. Great design and striking details.

Congrats! Please read the following directions.  
You have 2 weeks to complete Both steps to claim your prize
1. Leave a comment on this post so we know you have read it.
2. You have 2 weeks to email me with winner of Challenge #146 in the subject line 
so I can send you information on how to claim your prize.

Top 5 (in no particular order)

#1 Vanessa
Comments from DT: Love the details on this beauty. Beautifully crafted. Great design and striking details. 

#6 Steph C
Comments from DT: Stunning in it's simplicity.  Love the hearts and sequins

#7 Art by Yogi
Comments from DT: very pretty card and choices of blues 

#27 Leslie Turner
Comments from DT: This is a gorgeous card with a really great design with fancy fold  

#28 Jan R
Comments from DT: Great use of colors and patterns with the paper. Such a cute card

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for our next challenge.


LeslieT said...

OMG, I'm thrilled to see my corner card among your top picks! Thank you so much and congrats to the winner and the other top picks! And thanks for another fun challenge!
Love To Scrap!
Love To Scrap! Challenge Blog DT
Really Reasonable Ribbon DT
House of Cards DT

JanR said...

I'm thrilled that you chose my card as one of your Top 5! Thanks so much! And thanks for the lovely comment too. :-)

America said...

WOW- What a great surprise to find I'm your winner amongst so many beautiful makes- that must have been a really difficult decision. Thank you so, so very much! What an honor! Huge Congrats to all the top picks too! :) Will email you shortly.