Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Challenge 94 - Any Sentiment!

Thank you to everyone that joined in on our challenge.

The winner of the prize from Sassy Studio Designs  is...


Congrats! Please email me so that I can get your prize to you and don't forget to grab your badge from the link on the title bar.

Top 5 (in no particular order!)






Congratulations to you all - don't forget to grab your badge and display it with pride!

For this challenge we are so excited to have A Day for Daisies as our sponsor. Thanks so much!

OK, now onto the challenge. We want to see you use any sentiment you would like!

Here are the beautiful creations from Team A. Stop by next Thursday for more inspiration from Team B

Julie from Julie's Crafty Spot

Using the A Day for Daisies image called "Christmas Pixie One"

Mel from Princess Melus Crafts

Ginny from As I do Rodos

Billie from Ink on my Fingers

This challenge will run until Tuesday, December 3rd


kunda said...

Nice theme ..."use of sentiment"
loved to play for this one:)

Lozzy said...

WOW thank you ladies for picking my card as one of your top 5, so chuffed. Congratulations to all the winners, all beautiful design..Hugs Lozzy xx
gorgeous DT designs x

Sandra H said...

Congratulations winners and beautiful creations from the Dt's x

Jenny said...

Thank you sooooo much for choosing me in your Top 5. Congrats to all the winners. hugs x

trisha too said...

Congratulations, everyone, and thank you for the challenge!


Meighan Wheller said...

Wonderful DT work. Thanks for the challenge. Meighan

Spyder said...

Fabulous inspiration!

Wendy said...

Great DT samples. Love the A Day for Daisies digital stamps! Thanks for the "any sentiment" challenge!

Anita said...

Beautiful work by the DT. Thank you for this fun challenge!

Karen P said...

Gorgeous DT inspiration and thanks for another great challenge x